May 2012 Fourth International Conference, Alice Springs, Australia

May 10, 2012

Representatives of women’s museum worldwide met in the middle of the Australian desert from May 19–21, 2012. They met in the National Pioneer‘s Women Hall of Fame.

The meeting in Alice Springs was a milestone, because the members had decided in Buenos Aires in 2010 to seek for becoming an affiliated member of the International Committee of Museums (ICOM). In order to become an affiliated member of ICOM it is required to be an international association with registered statutes. This is the first step, which now was taken in Alice Springs. Not only did the participants pass the articles and a resolution, but they also elected an executive board of six members from various continents. Bettina Bab (Germany) was elected the first chair woman of the new section, assisted by the deputy chairwoman Mona Holm (Norway), treasurer Sigrid Prader (Italy), secretary Catherine King (USA) and assessors Patricia Galeano (Mexico), Nguyen Thi Bich Van (Vietnam).

With Bettina Bab from Bonn being the chairwoman the „International Association of Women’s Museums” accordingly will be situated in Bonn.

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