March activities of the Musée de la Femme Henriette Bathily, Senegal

Feb 28, 2023

In the context of the 16 Days of Activism against the violences towards girls and women, we presented  « Que portais-tu ? » «  What were you wearing ? »  exhibition originated from the University of Kansas, USA and then adapted to the Senegalese reality. It was held from February to March 8, 2023

The visuals surrounding the written oral testimonies is the work of artist Haby Diallo, founder of Creas Iam and curator of this second showing of this exposition, which, in fact is different from the first in that it places more focus on these voices of women survivors of sexual assault and, in so doing, showing just how this is something that can happen to any woman.

The curator explaining her vision about the making of the exhibition:

“I automatically thought about using silhouettes that I could use to compare to shadows which hide behind a curtain or fabric. The color red symbolizes violence and black, the penumbra hiding in the dark, concealing the acts committed.”- Haby Diallo


Place du Souvenir Africain et de la Diaspora, Corniche Ouest, Dakar /Tél: (+221) 77 655 90 99



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