March 2017: Italian Women’s Museums conference in Borgo

Apr 3, 2017

The two-day conference was a meeting point for women’s museums from Italy, Austria, Switzerland, and Germany. The goal was to enable exchange between women’s museums and experts from related fields.

The conference was organized by the women’s museum Borgo and the association “La Casa di Alice” in collaboration with IAWM, the women’s museum Merano, and “Se non ora quando – Es ist Zeit Alto Adige/Südtirol”. 22 experts with various backgrounds, from museum professionals to experts from the gender and female world, delivered insightful talks about equality and women’s museums. In the evening the godmother of the conference, Maria Concetta Mattei, and others discussed the role of women in the media. On the second day of the congress Astrid Schönweger and Nadia Mazzardis conducted a workshop for women’s museums with the goal to enable exchange and inspiration.

Representatives from Italian women’s museums and initiatives as well as the neighbors from Switzerland, Germany, and Austria came to the conference.

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