Join the TWITTER STORM to support Nasrin Sotoudeh

Jun 27, 2018

The Iranian lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh has been arrested after she questioned the Iranian judiciary. She is one of the best-known human rights defenders in Iran.

Today we join to demand the liberation of Nasrin together. That’s how it’s done:

  • Write 1-2 sentences to Nasrin and add the hashtag #FREENASRIN. The common hashtag is the most important thing!
  • We all post it on the SAME DAY, WEDNESDAY, at the SAME TIME, 20.30 in Iran18.00 in Brussel, 17.00 London, 12. p.m. North America (Est: 12.00, Gst: 11.00 a.m. & Pst: 9.00 a.m.) 

Last Wednesday, her husband wrote on Facebook that Nasrin Sotoudeh was arrested and sent to Tehran’s Evin Prison. He wrote “Of all the functions that governments of the world are expected to do, the Iranian one is only good in arresting and imprisoning innocent people.” Nasrin Sotoudeh was arrested without an official warrant, because she supported young women in their protest against the hijab.

Evin Prison is known for imprisoning Iranian political prisoners. The initiative for a women’s museum in Iran therefore opened the exhibition “From Evin, With Love” in exile in The Hague in March 2018, where handicrafts were presented by human rights activists from Evin Prison.

For many years Nasrin Sotoudeh has been advocating especially for human rights activists who were wrongfully arrested or restricted in their rights. She is a close confidante of Nobel Peace Laureate Shirin Ebadi and also has represented her in court. In addition, for years she has been advocating for imprisoned minors facing the death penalty and she is fighting for women’s rights in Iran. Therefore, she has already been a target for attacks by the Iranian government and has been detained several times. But the fight for human rights is more important to her than her own freedom.

In December 2008, Nasrin Sotoudeh was honored in South Tyrol with the “Human Rights International Human Rights Award” for her untiring dedication and her courage.

For us, Nasrin Sotoudeh is a role model who inspires us to have courage and compassion. We stand with Nasrin and demand #FREENASRIN.

Please! Help Nasrin with your words!

Make Nasrin’s voice loud! 

Invite people to join this storm! 

Find more information here.

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