Inspirational visit from Canada

Jan 16, 2018

From left to right: Astrid Schönweger, IAWM; Dr. Kathy Sanford, University of Victoria; Dr. Darlene Clover, University of Victoria; Sissi Prader, Women’s Museum Meran; and Dr. Nancy Taber, University Brock;

It was a joy to welcome three delegates from universities in Canada at the Women’s Museum Meran. Dr. Kathy Sanford, Dr. Darlene Clover, and Dr. Nancy Taber are currently teaching at the University of Victoria. Their research about the interrelations of gender and museums made them aware of IAWM and women’s museums. After their visit at the Women’s Museum of Denmark, yesterday they visited the IAWM headquarters at the Women’s Museum Meran in order to exchange ideas and experiences.


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