Women’s Museums and Human Rights

Feb 10, 2017

In the ICOM 2016 General Conference on Museums and Cultural Landscapes IAWM got the chance to present the network of women’s museums, its achievements and goals to an international audience.

One of the central points in the meeting was the relation of museums and human rights. The IAWM presentation focused on our international member museums taking a stand for women’s rights as human rights providing a precious contribution to a peaceful society.

The presentation of IAWM took place within the meeting “The Ethical Museum” organized by the Federation of International Human Rights Museums (FIHRM) and ICOM International Committee on Management (INTERCOM).

This meeting considered the political, social and economic landscapes of museums and the ethical challenges that these might pose. Some of the main issues considered were: what are the implications for managing museums successfully? What obligation does the museum have to its governing body? And to the public? How can a museum code of ethics support museums to resolve some of these conflicts?

See here the presentation


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