Guided tour in the exhibition “Mary Cassatt, une impressionniste américaine à Paris”

Jun 29, 2018

Mary Cassatt, Petite fille dans un fauteuil bleu, vers 1877-1878, huile sur toile, 89,5 x 129,8 cm, Inv. 1983.1.18, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Collection of Mr. And Mrs. Paul Mellon © Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington

Archives of Women Artists Research and Exhibition (AWARE) is restoring the presence of 20th-century women artists in the history of art.

In association with a cultural institution, AWARE organises monthly guided tours by museum curators or art historians to reveal the works of women artists in their collections and exhibitions.

Subject to availability, the tours are free of charge and open to everyone by reservation.

The next visit will be on Sunday, 8th July 2018 in the exhibition “Mary Cassatt, une impressionniste américaine à Paris”.

The retrospective exhibition Mary Cassatt (1844-1926) at the museum Jacquemart-André sheds light on the only American feminine figure of the impressionist movement, which, spotted by Degas in the 1874 exhibition, regularly exhibited afterward with the group. Considered in her lifetime as the most influential American artist, Cassatt lived more than sixty years in France, before being somehow forgotten in the hexagon. This monograph offers a rediscovery of her oeuvre through about fifty major works, oil, pastels, drawings and engravings. Laurent Manœuvre, author of a recent monographic study on her work and a specialist of impressionist women artists, will conduct the visit.

Find more information on the website of AWARE.

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