Filmrelease Among us women

Nov 23, 2022

A film about birth, empowerment and being a woman in a changing society!

Cooperation with the award-winning documentary AMONG US WOMEN – The Birthcafé Campaign continues to raise awareness and solidarity ‘among us women’ with Birthcafés. Join us!

among us women – Official Trailer from Evolution Film on Vimeo.

Despite all medical advice, young Huluager wants to give birth at home. Between tradition and modernity, patriarchal structures and the complex power of female connection, the women and midwives in the village of Megendi struggle with their relationship to their bodies, to each other, and to all those who want to decide for them.

The award-winning documentary “Among Us Women – Birth in Megendi” starts on 01.11. on German TV channel ZDF and will be shown at numerous festivals worldwide together with birthcafés. In order to make a concrete difference for women giving birth, women professionals and families, you can watch the film together in the ZDF media library (zdf Mediathek) and exchange your experiences afterwards in a private Birthcafé. With or without your names, send us your statements, birthstories, fotos or feedback afterwards for our galery.

For a public screening plus a birthcafé, you can contact the film team and the Birthcafé Campaign.

Impact Campaign for midwifery trainings
The film team and the Birthcafé Campaign would like to use this film to bring midwives in training and exchange. The images and experiences of the women and professionals from Ethiopia have great power and, despite the differences, touch on surprisingly similar questions and issues around birth and midwifery.

The BIRTH CAFÉ CAMPAIGN is an open participatory project and a solution-oriented protest for a better birth culture. BIRTH CAFÉS connect different generations and different cultures. They are solidarity in action, for parents by parents and everyone’s welcome!

Contact Birthcafé Campaign:

Dr. med Stefanie Schmid-Altringer
nahdran – Kommunikation für Gesundheit und Wissenschaft

If you are in Germany, Austria or Switzerland you can watch the film here:

Unter uns Frauen – Geburt in Megendi – ZDFmediathek



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