Fathers, you are important!

Apr 30, 2019

The 5th of May is the International Midwives’ Day. On this occasion the Birth Café Campaign invites everyone to start a narrative café together with fathers, grandfathers, and friends. It can be a planned meeting or also a spontaneous encounter, in the garden, on a park bench, in the playground… Send your experiences to mail@hebammenfuerdeutschland.de, they will be posted on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Erzaehlcafeaktion/.

The BIRTH CAFÉ CAMPAIGN is an open participatory project and works as a solution-oriented protest for a better birth culture. The initiative wants to bring together all forces across borders and document in a sustainable way, what women and families experience, achieve, and need at birth – today, in the future and in earlier times.

BIRTH CAFÉS ‘For a good start into life’ connect generations and cultures – The initiative is working on a non-profit basis and would like to provide the format BIRTH CAFÉ for all, who want to participate actively in the process of change in birth culture. Supported by the initiative, everyone can become active and organize a BIRTH CAFÉ for adults, teenagers (JUNIOR) or for exchange with escaped women (Welcome). At every coffeetable and through the documentation on the website, the experiences of women during pregnancy, giving birth and the time afterwards is made available for politics and parents. In the past, grandmothers and mothers used to pass on their knowledge to the next generation – it is the goal to revitalize this empowering tradition for women today.

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