Conference: Abortion rights – let’s talk about it

Oct 21, 2022

Although abortion is legal in Italy, low-threshold access to safe interventions is often impeded.

The conference aims to be an opportunity for exchange and discussion on how to elevate abortion to be a universal human right. After the contributions of various experts on the ethical, health, preventive and legal implications of abortion, the audience will actively participate in discussion sessions.


  • Mona Holm (Director of the Women’s Museum Norway Kvinnemuseet, initiator of the exhibition “SHHH! Stories about Abortion and Sexuality”
  • Carla Reale (lawyer, expert in constitutional and bio-law, member of the Equality Commission of the Province of Trento)
  • Esther Redolfi (philosopher, PhD in ethics and women’s studies)
  • Silvia Camin (Chairwoman of AIED Bolzano)
  • Loredana Costanza (Vice-principal of the Department of Gynaecology & Obstetrics, Bolzano Hospital).

Participating organisations:

  • Feminist Infocafè Merano
  • Women’s Museum Merano
  • Frauenmarsch-Donne in marcia
  • Association “Frauen gegen Gewalt-Donne contro la violenza” Merano
  • Family Counselling Centre AIED Bolzano, Academy of German-Italian Studies Merano
  • Women’s Museum Norway, Women’s Office Province of Bolzano

Please find more information about the conference here.
It is possible to follow the first part of the conference (presentations of the experts in English, German and Italian) in virtual form on this link.

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