The International Association of Women’s Museums would like to join the commemoration of Gisela Breitling:

Gisela Breitling
Foto: Marion Beckers, Berlin, 2000
27 May 1939 – 12 March 2018 in Berlin
Painter and Writer
Carrier of the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbonThe painter and writer Gisela Breitling has dedicated her life to the struggle for appropriate visibility of female creativity in past and present. In her painting and in her writings she developed original patterns of representation and interpretation. She has dared to accuse popular art historians of disregarding female artists, and she has never stopped intervening in gender and art politics. That has determined her life.
In 1986 Gisela Breitling made a decisive contribution to the creation of the association Das Verborgene Museum, Berlin in order to make the public aware of the unique achievements of female artists. We are grateful for that.
Marion Beckers, Renate Berger, Alexandra Goy, Elisabeth Moortgat

Die Staffelei, linke Tafel (Ausschnitt) 1987
Öl auf Leinwand, ca. 140 x 100 cm
Standort: Berlinische Galerie
© VG Bildkunst Bonn