Chivatica, a guide for girls, by Paola Andrea Díaz Bonilla

Jul 23, 2019

Virtual exhibition in the Museo de las Mujeres, Costa Rica

Chivatica, a guide for girls, is the result of a research process in the municipalities of Aquitania and Chitaraque in the department of Boyacá, Colombia. This process of inquiry into the social representations built around child sexual abuse in two rural communities in the Colombian Andean region, sought the construction of a methodology for the prevention of this multidimensional problem that mainly affects girls in this region. Recognize then, the social and imaginary meanings built around being a girl, was for the Ministry of Health of Boyacá as an institution that financed this process, an imperative in the methodological construction for the social intervention carried out in these two communities. Because of the purpose of recognizing girls as subjects of rights and managers of social transformation, a group of girls and carers was invited to participate in the validation of the strategy.  

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