Call for Contributions: ‘Care-ful Museology’

Jan 15, 2024

‘Care-ful museology: global perspectives on care work in the museum’ will explore caring and care work as a theoretical approach to, or practice framework for, different areas of museum work and scholarship.
The edited collection will be edited by Nuala Morse and Sandra Dudley, School of Museum Studies, University of Leicester. The full call for papers can be found by following the GoogleDrive link:
We are interested in contributions covering a wide range of museum practice, including museum conservation, engagement, exhibitions, ethics, cataloguing, etc., and analysis of museum practices of care across global contexts. We welcome reflections on care work in art galleries and in heritage settings and projects, and invite scholars’ and practitioners’ contributions.
We are interested in writing that considers care from single or multiple angles including care for people, care for communities, care for stories, non-human care, care for staff, care for the past and care for the future. We welcome standard academic chapters from across the disciplines as well as shorter pieces, including creative responses, interviews or dialogues.
The deadline for proposals is 8 March 2024 and details about submission are detailed in the linked call for papers above. Please feel free to share across your networks.
Any enquiries or if you would like to receive the call for papers directly please email
Thank you!
Dr Nuala Morse
Associate Professor in Museum Studies
School of Museum Studies, University of Leicester
t: +44 116 252 3975 e: (she/her)
Book: The Museum as a Space of Social Care (Routledge)

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