News at the Museo de la Mujer Argentina
Feminist Pedagogy: Museums, Memorials and Practices of Remembrance
Feminist Pedagogy: Museums, Memorials and Practices of Remembrance 18-20 October 2018 Istanbul Women’s Museum Istanbul and Sabancı University Gender and Women's Studies Excellence Center (SU Gender) invite ➢ women’s and gender museums, peace museums and memorials from...
News from inVISIBLEwomen
Millicent Fawcett In April 2018 history was made by a statue of a woman - suffragist Millicent Fawcett - being unveiled in London's iconic Parliament Square, joining the oldest gentlemen's club (11 men and no women) in the country. The statue,...
Enciclopedia delle Donne, Italy published book about empress Teodora
Today Enciclopedia delle Donne, Italy is presenting the newly published book "Io, Teodora. Memoria di una Imperatrice" (Me, Teodora. Memories of an empress), by Francesca Minguzzi.
We welcome our new member: Soroptimist International
Soroptimist International (SI) is a global volunteer movement with a network of over 75,000 club members in 122 countries, who work at a local, national and international level to Educate, Empower and Enable opportunities for women and girls. SI’s United Nations...
Frauenmuseum Hittisau is organizing a women composers festival
FRAUENGESCHICHTEN Ein Komponistinnen*Festival erzählt und lässt aufhorchen 21. - 24. Juni 2018 Frauenmuseum Hittisau und Pförtnerhaus Feldkirch Ein Projekt von Frauenmuseum Hittisau und Musik in der Pforte mit dem Landeskonservatorium Vorarlberg in Kooperation...