Blog of the Museum Women’s Culture Regional – International

Sep 3, 2019

The blog of the Museum of Women’s Culture Regional – International in Fürth, Germany gives insight into interesting discussions and impressions from the region of the museum and elsewhere in the world. The blog wants to provide the information in order to spark new ideas and actions.

The latest blogpost tells about a performance with piano by Michiko Saiki during the seminar ‘Eine Welt: Widerständige Kunst für Frieden und Entwicklung ‘ (One World: Resistant Art for Peace and Development) at Burgfarrnbach, Fürth:

Her presentation was very impressive and varied, which was due to her virtuoso piano playing as well as the background of video sequences and sound. Using new techniques, she also elicited new sounds from the piano with the help of everyday objects and supported them with her singing. So she managed to emotionally touch me and the entire audience with the stories presented in the pieces of women in different situations with music and multimedia. – Joscha Isenmann

Here you can get an impression of the concert of Michiko Saiki:


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