
Jan 26, 2014

“The Women Are The Ones Who Write The History
Of The World! There Has To Be A Women’s Museum
In Every Country Of This World”. Shirin Ebadi


Women’s and gender museums are a mirror of society and social change. They show the roles of women worldwide and their living circumstances from a political, cultural, artistic, economic and social point of view. They present women’s cultures from the past and present time and are committed to delivering a gender-democratic future.
Today there are more than 50 women’s museums worldwide represented on all continents. Groups in fifteen countries have announced that they wish to found a new women’s museum. It is time to get united. We invite you to join us. Group and individual memberships are available.

The main objectives of the Association are:

1. Exchange, network, global co-operation of the Women’s Museums, and mutual support. We want to affirm female solidarity by affirming women’s rights.

2. To promote women’s and gender museums and to stand united for the advocacy of gender-democratic societies. Women’s museums are important for women’s education, empowerment and self-confidence. They provide awareness training, possibilities for independent actions and tools to overcome discrimination.

3. To achieve international recognition in the world of museums and to strengthen the acceptance of women’s museums worldwide. It aims to advocate for necessary support (such as staff and finances) for museums within the Association.

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