The Frauenmuseum in Bonn has been working for over 40 years to make visible the achievements of women in art, history and society. Based on this principle, the exhibition beyond algorithms_digital utopia (2024) is a contribution to reflection on the digital transformation of modern societies. It shows the artistic exploration of algorithms: From Concrete Art to the first computer-generated works to cyberfeminist positions of Digital Art. With works by Rune MIELDS, Vera MOLNAR and Cornelia SOLLFRANK we present three excellent representatives of the visual arts, whose art-historical contextualization will be underlined. Representatives of recent tendencies from the broad spectrum of digital image cultures provide an insight into current positions of artists who understand algorithms as a self-evident part of their art practice for the visualization of contemporary utopias.
Bienal Black – convite – 27 de março de 2024
Prezado(a\e)s Artistas, Coletivos, Grupos e Entidades É com grande prazer que convidamos você para a solenidade de abertura da 3ª Bienal Black. A solenidade acontecerá na quarta-feira, dia 27 de março, das 19h às 21h, no Teatro Gonzaguinha, localizado no Centro de...