List of Women’s Museums

You can also download the complete list of IAWM members and women’s museums and initiatives below. These lists are updated annually.
List of Museums (2023)
List of IAWM Members (2023)

If you utilize this list as a source, please mention IAWM as the author. We would love to include your published works, such as articles, on our Resources list, so send us a link as well.

Do you know about a museum that is not on the list? Let us know.

Latest News

Women’s Museum Norway nominated for Museum of the Year Award

The women’s museum in Norway is nominated as the Museum of the Year in Norway, together with two other candidates. The winner will be awarded at the National Museum Meeting "Diverse Sustainability" in Porsgrunn-Skien on 6 April. The nomination for this important award...

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WE ARE! New Women’s Movement and Feminist Art

From March 6th to October 30th, 2022 the Women's Museum in Bonn, Germany, is showing the exhibition "WE ARE! New Women's Movement and Feminist Art". With the interdisciplinary exhibition WIR SIND! the women’s museum presents the success story of feminist movements in...

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Welcome to new member: Black Brazil Art

Black Brazil Art - an art office in Brazil that works with the dissemination, promotion and representation of the arts with an emphasis on gender and race, invites you to get to know and appreciate the systemic work we have been doing for over 10 years. The COVID-19...

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