List of Women’s Museums

You can also download the complete list of IAWM members and women’s museums and initiatives below. These lists are updated annually.
List of Museums (2023)
List of IAWM Members (2023)

If you utilize this list as a source, please mention IAWM as the author. We would love to include your published works, such as articles, on our Resources list, so send us a link as well.

Do you know about a museum that is not on the list? Let us know.

Latest News

Between the Worlds

Women's Museum Hittisau presents: 13.11.22 - 18.06.23 A photos and audio project by Nurith Wagner-Strauss Between the Worlds - Born 1915-1935: Hear their stories They were born between 1915-1935 and were young girls during the Second World War or still children. They...

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March for women’s rights in Italy

On Saturday, 15th October 2022 the streets of Bolzano (Italy) were filled with people protesting for women's rights. The second women's march took place in Bolzano with the motto "Shaking up the region" and the women's museum Meran participated in the organization of...

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Bringing “Herstory of the War” from Ukraine to Slovenia

Last week, Tatiana Isaieva from the Gender Museum was a guest at the Museum of Recent History Celje. At the event in the museum she presented the work of the Centre for Gender Culture and the story of the creation of the Museum of Women's and Gender History. During...

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