
Below are various videos, podcasts, and other media related to our work.

In this video, eight scholars and practitioners who are members of the International Women’s Museum Association (IAWM) and work in women’s museums and libraries in Korea, Germany, Scotland, Ireland, Albania, Egypt, and Argentina share their reflections on the pedagogical and activist value of these institutions toward the advancement of more gender just world. Woven throughout the video are images that illustrate the visualising and representational power of their feminist projects. 

Gaby and Mona gave a virtual presentation at ForoMAV21 held in Valencia (12-13 November 2021). As a part of MAV’s Good Practice working group, they shared this talk on IAWM’s “most significant and inspiring aspects”. MAV is the Association of Women in the Visual Arts, and brings together more than 600 artists, curators, cultural managers, researchers, directors of cultural centres and gallery owners from all Spain. Their aim is “to promote real and effective equality in the field of art.”

This video explores our exhibition, Best Female Friendships, which you can view online here.

Opening speech by Mona Holm at the exhibition opening of the Women’s Movement Museum Iran in exile “From Evin, With Love” at The Hague

1st International IAWM Conference Merano

This playlist features presentations given at the 1st International IAWM Conference Merano.

Playlist forthcoming.

Latest News

25th November at the Women’s Museum Mexico City

El Museo de la Mujer te invita a las actividades PRESENCIALES y VIRTUALES programadas para la semana del 21 al 26 de noviembre. Para asistir a las actividades presenciales y recibir la liga de zoom de las actividades virtuales, deberás registrarte...

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25th November at the Women’s Museum Argentina

Con motivo del Día Internacional de lucha contra la violencia hacia las mujeres, el Museo de la Mujer en CABA, Argentina presenta la exposición: 10 AÑOS, UN RECORRIDO El Museo de la Mujer en CABA, celebra la exposición interactiva de Claudia Bellocchi en la que la...

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25th November at Women’s Museum Meran, Italy

Violence against women happens in the here and now, here in South Tyrol, Italy, everywhere. Violence against women affects us all, because it is a structural problem that affects society as a whole. On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against...

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Letter from Qarchak Prison from Nasrin Sotudeh

Earlier this month, IAWM made a statement about Nasrin Sotudeh and the oppression of women in Iran. Here you can read that full statement. To follow up on this situation, we wanted to publish Nasrin’s first letter after her arrest at the funeral of Armita Geravand...

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