Working Groups

IAWM has multiple working groups involved in different aspects of our collective work.

Museum Definition Group

This group is developing a definition of what a women’s museum is and what a gender museum is  for IAWM. The basis of our work are the guidelines of 2015 from the EU project She CultureThe aim of the work group is to prepare a proposal of guidelines, which will be sent in time to the members of IAWM. Over the next few months, the committee continues its work and will put forward their proposal in Fall 2022, then the members can vote on the guidelines and they will be presented internationally.

The participants of this work group are:

  • Ashley Remer; Girl Museum
  • Gül Aydin, individual member;  PhD student at the Dep. of Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies, Istanbul
  • Sandra Altea; Women’s Museum Argentina
  • Kyehyeong Ki; Director of Gender Museum, Korea, Seoul,

    Research Group

    The research group, which was constituted in June 2020 by researchers, lecturers and postgraduate students has initially planned two projects: to provide an annotated bibliography for further research and for the exchange of contents and methodologies from the diversity of the IAWM institutions in order to stimulate research and practice; a video will be produced for the IAWM congress in 2021, which will show the role women and gender museums play in their region and on a global level with face-to-face discussions and examples from different exhibitions. It is about feminist educational work as well as aesthetic concepts and approaches to history.

    We see ourselves as an open and inclusive group. Anyone who wishes to participate is very welcome.

    The participants of the research group are:

    • Dr. Gaby Franger, Women in One World. Centre for Intercultural Research on Women’s Everyday Lives and International Exchange, Nürnberg and Fürth, Germany (coordinator)
    • Bettina Bab, Researcher and Curator, Women’s Museum, Bonn, Germany
    • Elsa Ballauri, Albanian Women’s Museum
    • Dr. Darlene Clover, Leadership Studies, Faculty of Education, University of Victoria and Co-President, Society of Friends of St Ann’s Academy Heritage Site
    • Sandra Gonzales, Political Sciences, Museo de mujeres Buenos Aires,
    • Maissan Hassan, The Women and Memory Forum, Kairo
    • Kyehyeong Ki, Director of Gender Museum, Korea (initiative); Lecturer, Department of Western History, Seoul National University
    • Dr. Kathy Sanford, Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, University of Victoria, Canada
    • Sinead Mc Coole, Commemorations Unit (Women’s Strand) Ireland’s Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. Curator of the Pop Up Women’s Museum – 100 Years of Women in Politics and Public Life
    • Rachel Thain – Grain, PhD Postgraduate student, University of Glasgow
    • Claudia Mandel Katz – Women’s Museum Costa Rica
    Group of women gather during a workshop

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