A wonderful film about the women’s museums in Fürth

Oct 21, 2022

“Fürth without Women’s Museum? Unthinkable!”: Whether in English, German or Spanish – colorful posters are drawing attention everywhere in Fürth. Many pedestrians may learn for the first time that there is a women’s museum in their city – and that it has to close soon.

But it will not die. Too strong, excellent and well-connected are the women who run the museum since 2003. For behind the exhibition venue is a female think tank, the “Women in One World” association. For over 30 years, it has been dedicated to feminist foreign policy, international encounters and women’s everyday lives. This includes meetings of Peruvian and Franconian women farmers as well as symposia of women peace activists and scientists.

In this film Kerstin Möller introces the association, its initiators and projects. The title is „Sichtbar, hörbar, nahbar – Im Fokus: Frauen in der Einen Welt” (Visible, audible, approachable – In focus: Women in One World).

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