Between the Worlds

Nov 11, 2022

Women’s Museum Hittisau presents:

13.11.22 – 18.06.23

A photos and audio project by Nurith Wagner-Strauss
Between the Worlds – Born 1915-1935: Hear their stories

Ruth Appel © Nurith Wagner-Strauss

They were born between 1915-1935 and were young girls during the Second World War or still children. They come from different social backgrounds, some from an urban, others from a rural environment. Some are physically and mentally fit, while others are more frail and show signs of dementia.

In her large-format pictures, photographer Nurith Wagner-Strauss captures what exists in a personality at the end of life. She explores the question of how and where the boundaries of reality, of time, of the here and the long since pasted become blurred.

The black-and-white photographs are hung in front of divergent, translucent portraits that can be read as a metaphor for the inexorably approaching removal of the soul from the body, or as the women talking about their lives, childhoods and youth.

These women are an essential part of Austria’s history. History is much more than a sequence of great deeds, great men, great battles. With this exhibition, the FMH sets out in search of hidden aspects of our history.

Nurith Wagner-Strauss lives and works in Vienna. She studied baroque recorder at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. She has been working as a freelance photographer since 1987. The focus of her work is on women and children in their respective social environments. Wagner-Strauss feels a sense of social responsibility, which she expresses through the artistic means of photography.

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